I’m a full-time mum to a 2 and 3 year old who are bright, happy, cheeky, loud, monster-like terrors. They love singing, dancing and the demo button on the keyboard. But their favourite thing to do is to eat.
It often doesn’t seem fair to be the second child. With the first, everything is about them. Attention, decisions, time management, milestones and so forth. With the second, you just kind of have to fit […]
Snot. Gross: So far this year, we have had a precious 2-week period of no runny noses. It was bliss. I even washed the sofa covers etc and loved being able to pick up my […]
A mixed bag of updates and thoughts for you today: Sleep. Where are you?? Our morning started at 5am. Oh hurrah. Unfortunately, this is much of a norm now. Bubble still comes into our bed […]
You started school 3 weeks ago. It was a shock to our system and a reality check that we are heading into the next ‘phase’ of your life. When did you get so old? Who […]
A few days ago I had a parenting low. I told Bubble to “Bugger off!”, and not in a joking way. It been a long morning where nothing in particular was going majorly wrong but […]
Yesterday was a perfect day. Why does it feel wrong to be able to say that? Why can’t we have perfect days without feeling guilty? I can’t remember the last time we had a perfect […]
I’m a full-time mum to a 2 and 3 year old who are bright, happy, cheeky, loud, monster-like terrors. They both love climbing, even if they are cursed with their mother’s short legs. And they […]