So after wearing a cast on my right arm for 8 weeks, I have only gone and got the same injury on my left (intersection wrist syndrome). Useless. I now have braces for both arms and look like a complete idiot. The most frustrating part is that I have avoided typing (missed it though) and had minimal phone time, yet still I have damaged myself. Again. Argh!!!
So, that that also explains my absence. After finally having a place to write, I was physically unable to do so. Frustrating doesn’t even come close.
Meanwhile however, Bubble has turned 4 and started school (cue packed lunch stress at 8am), I cut Squeaks hair and he now looks more like a girl (not intentional), and Gravy has finally emerged from renovating the attic after agreeing to live with the understanding that we will finish it one day, just not today. As for me, I have been working on my New Years promise to take my health seriously, which has essentially meant that it would be cheaper to rent a room in the hospital rather than paying for all the car parking and coffee consumption that I currently shell out for. Note to self – find a flask and take it with me next time (thus saving a couple of euros that could ultimately be spent on something yummy to go with said coffee right?!).
It is not all doom and gloom, as I wander around with 2 useless arms. We have been flying kites from Bubbles birthday – arguably a a present for pappa of course. We have also had a flurry of guests staying which has been such a pleasure. Highlights included walking in the woods with all the kids, pancakes and 6 adults desperately trying to stay awake and be social by the time 6 children had finally fallen asleep. More often than not the first adult would be in bed before the last child was snoring. We talked mainly about how great it will be in 5 years time when all the kids are older and we can drink without falling asleep face flat on table after 1 glass. We live to dream.
Gravy had a long overdue boys weekend. Played Wii and poker. Both of which we found when clearing out the attic. Makes it almost worthwhile. I had a lovely evening with a friend. But a ridiculous 4am start with my kids meant I returned home looking rougher than Gravy and his man friends after 2 bottles of whisky.
Oh, and I wrote a piece (slowly and painfully) for ArnhemLife also: http://www.arnhemlife.nl/culture/sprookjesfestival-in-arnhem/
Todays argument: Putting up a new bookcase. Gravy says whatever doesn’t fit in, needs to go. I say, we need more bookshelves. I’m beginning to think renovating the attic wasn’t really worth it. Things are much simpler when they are boxed away and forgotten, but safe in the knowledge that they are still there, somewhere, collecting dust, just in case we might need it one day…
And finally, for a giggle, a photo of my boys helpfully hiding under racks of coats whilst we try and buy them a pair a shoes. Aren’t they cherubs. Cough cough!
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