I often over-think or question the meaning behind things. And have the most random conversations with people. I like to look at things sideways, upside down, inside out. It makes it more interesting.
Snot. Gross: So far this year, we have had a precious 2-week period of no runny noses. It was bliss. I even washed the sofa covers etc and loved being able to pick up my […]
A few months ago I felt a surge of desperation. I had been a full-time mum with no respite and not enough wine for 4.5 years. I felt like I just needed a break, and […]
So after wearing a cast on my right arm for 8 weeks, I have only gone and got the same injury on my left (intersection wrist syndrome). Useless. I now have braces for both arms […]
A space for my random thoughts, reflections, ambitions, and lists. It’s always about the lists.