The following posts were written for an Instagram takeover I was asked to do. I had to write about my life with MS and engage with the audience 1 – 3 times a day either as a post, or as a story (video or photo that is only visible for 24 hours). As I have been meaning to learn about Instagram and still hadn’t done it, I thought jumping in the deep end would be a good idea. I work best to deadlines! The main thing that came out of the experience was that my passion for writing was re-ignited. So, maybe this will be the year I spend more time on my blog…
Follow me on @speakingwithsophie for sporadic updates
Hi, I’m Sophie and I’m taking over the @platform_ms account for this week. Thanks to @crystalvld for her honest account about travelling to Disney, and to all the other takeovers I have been following. It is really interesting to learn about different people and how they are dealing with an illness that strikes everyone in different ways. I hope you don’t mind, but I will be doing it in English. I have lived here for 13 years and my Dutch is fine (so please contact me in Dutch if you would prefer) but I find that when I speak about MS, something that is already my ‘weak point’ it is challenging enough, so I tend to do it in English. Anyway, I am a mum of 2 energetic boys (5 and 7) and a wife to the supportive Hugo. I miss my friends and family in England, but I have built my own great and extensive community here in NL and am fortunate to have met many wonderful people. I will be looking at some of the challenges I face regarding MS in my life, and my experience as a mother and as someone living away from their ‘home’ country. I look forward to spending this week with you. It is a little confrontational for me as I try not to dwell on my limitations, but it also ok to make some time for this. Plus, this way I get to learn more about instagram! Tot zo 😁
#platformms #ms #gezichtenvanms #facesofms#msverhalen #msstories #stories — in Velp, Gelderland.
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