It’s been a while since I blogged. I’ve written a 1000 in my head but for some reason, that doesn’t seem to count.
As part of my rehabilitation I was taught to take a break when it presents itself. For example, let someone else clear the table; don’t try and do 100 things at the same time (multitasking is still a forte for any future employers reading this. 99 things at once is still possible); and most importantly, sleep better. The last one has been difficult – for years I am a poor sleeper. Throw into the mix a husband with irregular work patterns and 2 small kids who still often wake up (and we are busy with no-nappy-at-night-training!) and the regular blood testing, then I feel I have won the lottery if I have 2 hours of unbroken sleep at any time. This in itself, aside from MS etc, can explain my lack of concentration and exhaustion. So, when it came to choosing blogging, I’ve usually spent all my energy before I sit down to type in the evening. And as for choosing a holiday…I just didn’t have it in me. I was excited, in theory, but I was also just so tired of everything I couldn’t think straight about what we were going to do. Disappointing, right? We had some time earmarked for a seriously needed family holiday and no plans or seemingly any ability to make them.
A trip to the travel agents was the state of play, and we put ourselves in their hands. Tip: Try to leave the kids at home when choosing a holiday. With 2 sleep deprived parents, 2 energetic kids and a half an hour slot in the schedule to make all the decisions, we left the agents with a holiday booked. It was totally not what I wanted. On many levels. But I was tired and Gravy was changing Squeaks nappy in the car boot. At least it was done. We were off to Lanzarote for 10 days. Yeah! Or, at least that was my reaction when people asked. Truthfully, I didn’t think about it until 2 days beforehand when I was packing and realised that I had nothing useful to hand (just where did we carefully pack away all the summer hats etc??). Cue last minute panic and repacking at 2am before our alarm at 3.45am. Packing related activities in our household regrettably often fall under lastminute.com.
Still, it all went swimmingly. The boys travelled brilliantly. 1.5 minutes into the journey pipes up Squeak with “I’m hungry. Something to eat?”. One hand luggage bag was entirely devoted to games and food. Gold Mum Star for me. At 4am it was dark. Cue Squeak again exclaiming after every corner “Look Mummy, there is another moon!” and Bubble saying “Mummy, someone needs to call the sun and tell him he is late getting up”. If only. At the airport, half asleep still, Squeak had a determination to stop and look at all the airplanes the eye could see, at the 5th busiest airport in the world. Give me strength. Or a coffee, please. Meanwhile Bubble thought it was hilarious to repeatedly queue up for the toilets for no reason. Really? I’m not seeing the joke here. (Photo: Boys engrossed in dramatic volcanic scenery)
What I hadn’t appreciated was the travel/motion sickness I am more prone to now. Thanks MS. Good one. We had to land first at Fuerteventura then on Lanzerote, and the same with the return flight = not so great for me. Yuk. Not to mention the pirate boat trip to an island that didn’t look too far away, but it turns out you can catch a lot of big waves in a relatively short sail. The whole ‘package holiday’ concept was also new for us as we were guided from one rep to another, buses and hotel drop offs. It went smoothly and totally worked, I’m just not sure how I feel about it yet. Not having to think too much had its advantages, and it was perfect for the kids. Which is essentially what it is all about right? Happy kids = happy parents. Late night beer and Baileys also = happy parents. Thanks, all-inclusive, you have your advantages!
On reflection, our holiday consisted mainly of eating. And getting in and out and in and out and in and out of water. Oh, and applying sun-cream/sitting in the shade. Another thanks must go to my delicate English skin; unlucky to have inherited that one from me boys 😉 One thing that caught us by surprise was the wind. Yes, I know it’s an island etc etc, but it windier than even the inhabitants had expected. It sometimes felt like the boys worse more in the swimming pool than out of it – trunks, UV t-shirt, hats, arm bands. This basically meant that once out of the water, dressed in half of their wardrobe, the boys got chilly quickly. So, the circle of sun cream-swim-cold-dry-sun cream turned into pretty much the entire day’s activity. Interspersed with the odd kid’s club or ice cream to liven things up. And an inflatable dolphin (see earlier re. wind). So, what was this biggest success? The volcanos? The submarine?? Nope, the nightly Mini-Disco.
Other highlights included digging in the sand (note: sea salt dries on black dresses looking like saggy white boob issues), an amazing trip through the volcanic park and an awesome submarine dive. Most importantly though, no injuries or hospital visits. Always a sign of the successful holiday surely?! For those that know me, this was a massive improvement on (all?) previous holiday attempts. It was great coming home also (isn’t that always the case?) despite all the washing to be done and the smack of reality that saw me with hospital appointments and teaching within 6 hours of returning. But the most precious thing was the tine we spent together as a family. For too long, we were juggling too many balls and bobbing with our heads above the water but with no idea where we were heading or how to get there. After these 10 days away we are feeling more grounded and as a family unit. This is priceless. And even makes the ‘all-inclusive’ aspect more bearable. (There is after all, something to be said for not having to do any washing up).
And that is where I have to cut it short. It hurts to type. I intended on writing about so much more. I have planned out and started writing so many other ideas. Collecting thoughts, memories, ambitions. But the coming few weeks are going to be intense. After a long, long anxious wait, I found out last week that I am due for surgery on my wrist. Tomorrow I will be operated on my right-hand wrist to try to fix my Intersection Wrist Syndrome. This is much needed work and will be worth it, I hope. But it means I will be unable to use my right hand (yes, I’m right handed) for 6-8 weeks. Minimum. Am I freaking out? Yes.
I’m freaking out a little because of the surgery itself; I’m freaking out because I have to fast tonight and keep my blood sugars under control which means a couple of days ahead of roller costing it getting back in balance; I’m freaking out because they have warned me I may have an MS ‘episode’ due to the stress of surgery etc; I’m freaking out because I won’t be able to use my right hand to do anything – think teeth, hair, shaving armpits, injecting myself!!!, drive a car, ride a bike, butter some bread. You get the picture. But I’m also freaking out because I won’t be able to lift my kids up when they need me. Due to a random timing confidence, Squeak had his tonsils out yesterday in hospital. He is doing well, but is very cuddly. (Bubble had his out last month. We are getting a bit fed up of hospitals in our house). I know it will all be ok and everything will work out, but that it is going to be tough. I had grand plans to clean the house and put food in the freezer (I only added ice-cream). Ah well. Good luck to my husband who will have to do everything with me watching on correcting him. And good luck to my left hand, which is already starting to suffer and is only going to come out of the 8 weeks worse off.
Happy days. I brought 2 packets of chocolate biscuits today and have hidden them. These will help!
So, this is me, temporarily signing of. A hiatus of sorts. I’ll be back with a less swollen arm and more stamina. I have loved writing blogs and even loved writing all the imaginary ones in my head. I have so much more to learn. I’ll let post an update shortly, but I’ll be relying on some dictation program, so I expect it will be short and sweet!
Laters x
ps. That nice smiley family photo at the top? This is the pre-photo! I love both pictures.
Much strength coming time Sophie! I hope it will help!
It always helps! Thank you x
Je bent een topper !
It takes one to know one 😉 x
Petje af sophie !!!ook Hugo hoor,en mooi geschreven weer..:-)
Thanks dude!
You are awsome. even when their older you will still worry about your kids. Good Luck and love from us both
Oh my, massive hugs and love coming your way and I love your blogs, your strengh and determination, love you my sparkly friend. X
I hope the surgery went well. All the best.
Am gutted have just found this- can’t think how I missed it! Loved it as I do all your blogs and really hoping the op ends in a v successful conclusion. Lots of love xx